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Nextor 2.0 ドライバー開発ガイド


  1. 1. 導入(Translation checked)
  2. 2. Nextorカーネルアーキテクチャ(Translation checked)
  3. 2.1. MSX-DOS1カーネル(Translation checked)
  4. 2.2. MSX-DOS2カーネル(Translation checked)
  5. 2.3. Nextorカーネル(Translation checked)
  6. 3. ドライバ組み込みNextorカーネルの作成(Translation checked)
  7. 3.1. 手動作成(Translation checked)
  8. 3.2. MKNEXROMユーティリティの使用(Translation checked)
  9. 3.3. バンク切り替えコードのルール(Translation checked)
  10. 4. Nextorドライバ構造(Translation checked)
  11. 4.1. ドライバベースとデバイスベースのドライバ(Translation checked)
  12. 4.2. ページ0ルーチンとデータ(Translation checked)
  13. 4.2.1. GSLOT1 (402Dh)(Translation checked)
  14. 4.2.2. RDBANK (403Ch)(Translation checked)
  15. 4.2.3. CALLB0 (403Fh)(Translation checked)
  16. 4.2.4. CALBNK (4042h)(Translation checked)
  17. 4.2.5. GWORK (4045h)(Translation checked)
  18. 4.2.6. K_SIZE (40FEh)(Translation checked)
  19. 4.2.7. CUR_BANK (40FFh)(Translation checked)
  20. 4.2.8. CHGBNK (7FD0h)(Translation checked)
  21. 4.3. ドライバヘッダ(Translation checked)
  22. 4.3.1. DRV_SIGN (4100h)(Translation checked)
  23. 4.3.2. DRV_FLAGS (410Eh)(Translation checked)
  24. 4.3.3. RESERVED (410Fh)(Translation checked)
  25. 4.3.4. DRV_NAME (4110h)(Translation checked)
  26. 4.4. 共通ルーチン(Translation checked)
  27. 4.4.1. DRV_TIMI (4130h)(Translation checked)
  28. 4.4.2. DRV_VERSION (4133h)(Translation checked)
  29. 4.4.3. DRV_INIT (4136h)(Translation checked)
  30. 4.4.4. DRV_BASSTAT (4139h)(Translation checked)
  31. 4.4.5. DRV_BASDEV (413Ch)(Translation checked)
  32. 4.4.6. DRV_EXTBIO (413Fh)(Translation checked)
  33. 4.4.7. DRV_DIRECT0/1/2/3/4 (4142h, 4145h, 4148h, 414Bh, 413Eh)(Translation checked)
  34. 4.4.8. DRV_CONFIG (4152h)(Translation checked)
  35. 4.4.9. RESERVED (4155h to 415Fh)(Translation checked)
  36. 4.5. ドライブベースドライバのルーチン(Translation checked)
  37. 4.5.1. DRV_DSKIO (4160h)(Translation checked)
  38. 4.5.2. DRV_DSKCHG (4163h)(Translation checked)
  39. 4.5.3. DRV_GETDPB (4166h)(Translation checked)
  40. 4.5.4. DRV_CHOICE (4169h)(Translation checked)
  41. 4.5.5. DRV_FORMAT (416Ch)(Translation checked)
  42. 4.5.6. DRV_MTOFF (416Fh)(Translation checked)
  43. 4.6. デバイスベースドライバのルーチン(Translation checked)
  44. 4.6.1. DEV_RW (4160h)
  45. 4.6.2. DEV_INFO (4163h)
  46. 4.6.3. DEV_STATUS (4166h)
  47. 4.6.4. LUN_INFO (4169h)
  48. 4.7. その他
  49. 4.7.1. メインカーネルバンクの空きスペース
  50. 5. Change history
  51. 5.1. v2.0.5 beta 1
  52. 5.2. v2.0.1
  53. 5.3. v2.0 final
  54. 5.4. v2.0 Beta 2
  55. 5.5. v2.0 Beta 1
  56. 5.6. v2.0 Alpha 2b
  57. 5.7. v2.0 Alpha 2