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· LSX-Dodgers Internal command

  • Changing the CD current directory
  • Copy of COPY file (wild card possible)
  • Delete DEL file (wild card possible)
  • DIR Display of file name list (wild card possible)
  • PATH Setting search path for external command search
  • REN file name change
  • TYPE Display of contents of file (wild card possible)

- - - - - - - - - -

  • Change the current drive

Drive name:

Change the current drive to the drive specified by the drive name. - - - - - - - - - -

  • Changing the current directory

CD path name

Change the current directory.

- - - - - - - - - -
  • Copy files (wild cards acceptable)

COPY [drive name:] [file name 1] [drive name:] [file name 2] [switch]


Copy only when the copy destination file is old. Files that do not exist in the copy destination I will not go through copy processing. Prevent copying unnecessary files, change Copy only the newly created file, volatilize the effect in such a case.


If there is a same name file, overwrite it if the date and time are new. Drive name specified by file name 1 as the drive name and file name 2 If file name 1 is omitted, the wildcard is pointed and copied to the specified file. If file name 2 is omitted, it becomes the file name specified by file name 1. Skip when the copy source and copy destination are the same.

Abbreviation: C*

 - - - - - - - - - - -

  • Delete files (wild cards acceptable)

DEL file name

Deletes the file specified by file name.

Abbreviation: DE *

 - - - - - - - - - - -

  • Display of file name list (wild card possible)

DIR [drive name:] [file name] D [drive name:] [file name] is also acceptable

[Drive name:] Display the directory specified by [File name]. If omitted, the directory of the current drive is displayed.


Example: Display file name of directory "LD"


- - - - - - - - - -

  • Setting the search path for searching for external commands

PATH [;] [drive name:] [path name] [; [drive name:] [path name]] ...

Set the search path for external command search by drive name and path name. If the drive name and path name are omitted, the currently set drive is displayed.

Example: Set the search path in the order of A: \ LD and B: ¥ LD.

PATH A: \ LD; B: \ LD

Example: Cancel the set search path


Abbreviation: P*

- - - - - -
  • Rename a file name

REN file name 1 file name 2

Change the file specified by file name 1 to the file name of file name 2.

Abbreviation: R *

- - - - - - - - - - 
  • Display of contents of file (wild card possible)

TYPE file name

The contents of the file specified by file name are displayed.

Abbreviation: T * eof