Revision as of 13:01, 5 March 2019 by Kumokosi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==2.機能一覧== 以下は関数呼び出しの完全なリストです。 "CPM"は、その機能が同等のCP / M 2.2機能と互換性があることを示し、 "MSX1"...")
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以下は関数呼び出しの完全なリストです。 "CPM"は、その機能が同等のCP / M 2.2機能と互換性があることを示し、 "MSX1"はMSX-DOSバージョン1との互換性を示し、 "NEW"はMSX DOS 2.xxシステムに新しい機能を示します。アスタリスク( "*")は、関数がユーザーディスクエラールーチンから安全に呼び出されることを示します(関数64hと関数70hを参照)。


    CPM MSX1  00h -  Program terminate
    CPM MSX1* 01h -  Console input
    CPM MSX1* 02h -  Console output
    CPM MSX1* 03h -  Auxiliary input
    CPM MSX1* 04h -  Auxiliary output
    CPM MSX1* 05h -  Printer output
    CPM MSX1* 06h -  Direct console I/O
        MSX1* 07h -  Direct console input
        MSX1* 08h -  Console input without echo
    CPM MSX1* 09h -  String output
    CPM MSX1* 0Ah -  Buffered line input
    CPM MSX1* 0Bh -  Console status
    CPM MSX1* 0Ch -  Return version number
    CPM MSX1  0Dh -  Disk reset
    CPM MSX1  0Eh -  Select disk
    CPM MSX1  0Fh -  Open file (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  10h -  Close file (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  11h -  Search for first entry (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  12h -  Search for next entry (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  13h -  Delete file (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  14h -  Sequential read (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  15h -  Sequential write FCB)
    CPM MSX1  16h -  Create file (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  17h -  Rename file (FCB)
    CPM MSX1* 18h -  Get login vector
    CPM MSX1* 19h -  Get current drive
    CPM MSX1  1Ah -  Set disk transfer address
        MSX1  1Bh -  Get allocation information
              1Ch -  Unused
              1Dh -  Unused
              1Eh -  Unused
              1Fh -  Unused
              20h -  Unused
    CPM MSX1  21h -  Random read (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  22h -  Random write(FCB)
    CPM MSX1  23h -  Get file size (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  24h -  Set random record (FCB)
              25h -  Unused
        MSX1  26h -  Random block write (FCB)
        MSX1  27h -  Random block read (FCB)
    CPM MSX1  28h -  Random write with zero fill (FCB)
              29h -  Unused
        MSX1* 2Ah -  Get date
        MSX1* 2Bh -  Set date
        MSX1* 2Ch -  Get time
        MSX1* 2Dh -  Set time
        MSX1* 2Eh -  Set/reset verify flag
        MSX1* 2Fh -  Absolute sector read
        MSX1* 30h -  Absolute sector write
        NEW * 31h -  Get disk parameters
              32h - \
              . .    \ Unused
              . .    /
              3Fh - /
        NEW   40h -  Find first entry
        NEW   41h -  Find next entry
        NEW   42h -  Find new entry
        NEW   43h -  Open file handle
        NEW   44h -  Create file handle
        NEW   45h -  Close file handle
        NEW   46h -  Ensure file handle
        NEW   47h -  Duplicate file handle
        NEW   48h -  Read from file handle
        NEW   49h -  Write to file handle
        NEW   4Ah -  Move file handle pointer
        NEW   4Bh -  I/O control for devices
        NEW   4Ch -  Test file handle
        NEW   4Dh -  Delete file or subdirectory
        NEW   4Eh -  Rename file or subdirectory
        NEW   4Fh -  Move file or subdirectory
        NEW   50h -  Get/set file attributes
        NEW   51h -  Get/set file date and time
        NEW   52h -  Delete file handle
        NEW   53h -  Rename file handle
        NEW   54h -  Move file handle
        NEW   55h -  Get/set file handle attributes
        NEW   56h -  Get/set file handle date and time

        NEW * 57h -  Get disk transfer address
        NEW * 58h -  Get verify flag setting
        NEW   59h -  Get current directory
        NEW   5Ah -  Change current directory
        NEW   5Bh -  Parse pathname
        NEW   5Ch -  Parse filename
        NEW * 5Dh -  Check character
        NEW   5Eh -  Get whole path string
        NEW   5Fh -  Flush disk buffers

        NEW   60h -  Fork a child process
        NEW   61h -  Rejoin parent process
        NEW   62h -  Terminate with error code
        NEW   63h -  Define abort exit routine
        NEW   64h -  Define disk error handler routine
        NEW * 65h -  Get previous error code
        NEW * 66h -  Explain error code
        NEW   67h -  Format a disk
        NEW   68h -  Create or destroy RAM disk
        NEW   69h -  Allocate sector buffers
        NEW * 6Ah -  Logical drive assignment
        NEW * 6Bh -  Get environment item
        NEW * 6Ch -  Set environment item
        NEW * 6Dh -  Find environment item
        NEW * 6Eh -  Get/set disk check status
        NEW * 6Fh -  Get MSX-DOS version number
        NEW * 70h -  Get/set redirection status