・LSX-Dodgers for X1/turbo version 1.23 ・by Gaku A>◼︎

[translation: by kumo]


Functions summary

This software is OS for running CP/M80 or MSX-DOS software with X1/turbo/Z. It has a system call compatible with CP M80 and MSX-DOS with MS-DOS compatible file format. It also supports hierarchical directories.

Bootable disk images of LSX-Dodgers for X1 emulators

No warranty

This software works desirably to operate correctly, but about its operation at all. It is not guaranteed. To use this software or for any damage that occurred because it could not be used The author and the distributor are not responsible even if it attaches. Please use it at your own risk.


MIT License


LSX-Dodgers is developed with the super multi-function macro absolute assembler OHM-Z80.


LSX-Dodgers adopts simple court writing function with disk access. The cursor is displayed. Flush the buffer with waiting key. When replacing the floppy is always displayed when the cursor is displayed Please do it. Otherwise it may break the contents of the disc. ! Disk exchange should not be done especially when selecting processing by disk error.


CZ-800F can not be used because of the step rate. Try to use L-os Angeles as well, which is OS with MS-DOS compatible file format and S-OS "SWORD" function.


[skipped by translator]